What is Peakland Environmental Farmers?

PEF is an environmental co-operative, a group of farmers and moorland managers – our Members – who have come together to create ambitious environmental outcomes, at scale, in the Dark Peak and Southwest Peak.
Our Vision
We want to enhance nature, to provide climate mitigation and carbon sequestration, and to improve water quality in the Peak District for the public good, alongside sustainable food production and game management.
Our Mission
Members aim to harness scale and co-operation to secure enhanced, sustainable environmental outcomes, fair representation, and for reasonable financial returns to come to those members for the delivery of a wide range of upland Natural Capital goods and services from traditional upland activities, sustainable farming and game management.
Our Objectives
To address the three pillars of sustainability:
1. Environmental
- Restore, protect and enhance peatland to help mitigate climate change.
- Maintain and enhance excellent biodiversity.
- Contribute to clean water and water storage.
- Farming to move towards being net carbon zero by 2040.
2. Financial
To seek ways to provide a fair reward to members for the delivery of those public goods and services and, in particular, to identify and understand what would constitute an economically viable model. To communicate the requirements of that financial model to policy makers including the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA).
3. Social, cultural and community
To integrate traditional social and cultural elements into the delivery of these forward-looking environmental outcomes, and develop community links and projects to enhance understanding and communications.
And to achieve effective area-based conservation by adopting suitable international standards.